Personal Injury Nursing Home Abuse
Brandon Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer
The decision to place a loved one in a nursing home can be one of the most difficult decisions you can face. When a loved one is placed into a nursing facility, caregivers are entrusted to take care of our loved ones with respect and decency. When this isn’t the case, it can be traumatizing for our loved ones and make you regret your decision. In some cases, you may never know if your loved one is being mistreated. You may think that your loved one would tell you if they are being mistreated, but this isn’t always the case. For example, a patient with Alzheimer’s or dementia might not realize or remember that they have been treated poorly. Sometimes our loved ones might have trouble explaining the mistreatment. It is also not uncommon for older people to not complain because they don’t want to be a burden, so they suffer in silence. Our loved ones can also be afraid to say anything negative about their caretakers. After all, as soon as you leave they are totally at the mercy and will of the nursing home staff.
How can I know if they are being treated well?
It is up to us to make sure that our loved ones are treated well. We can do this by making plenty of unannounced visits, at different times and on different days of the week. If your loved one is mostly bedridden, look for bedsores. These can be signs that your loved ones are not being turned or moved enough. If your loved one has dressings or bandages, check them to make sure they’re clean and fresh. Also check to ensure that your loved one is clean and wearing clean clothing. Every nursing home should keep regular records of the patient’s vitals, which may include blood pressure readings, blood sugar levels, weight, and when drugs were administered. You should ask to see these records from time to time to make sure everything is being done properly. These records can be very important in identifying nursing home abuse and negligence.
Without a nurse or doctor’s help, it may cause your loved one’s health to deteriorate at a faster rate. There is no reason that the large amount of money that is paid for this care should result in the abuse of a loved one. Still, a large number of medical malpractice cases are due to nursing home abuse. Every patient in a nursing home is guaranteed good treatment and care in the Patient’s Bill of Rights, which is a major part of nursing home law. If you suspect that your loved one has been or is being neglected or abused, please seek help immediately. If you just move your loved one to a different facility without speaking out, other helpless patients may fall victim to the same mistreatment. You can do everyone a favor by speaking out and bring an end to nursing home abuse.
Physical forms of nursing home abuse can include rough handling, slapping, or inflicting physical pain in some other way. Mental abuse can also occur, making our loved ones feel like they are a burden and deserve mistreatment. In some cases, caregivers can overuse drugs to keep the patient sedated for long, unhealthy periods of time. Some caregivers do this to make patients easier to care for. A patient that is not conscience can make no demands and can make the caregivers job easier. This kind of nursing home abuse might seem unfathomable, but it does happen in rare instances.
Seek Help Today
Abuse and neglect of the elderly is an important problem that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. In the event that a loved one has been victimized by the actions of a nursing home employee, it is your duty and right to seek legal attention. The Curry Law group invites you to contact us today for legal representation and counsel. We service the entire Tampa Bay Area and would like the chance to represent you today. Please fill out the form on this page or call our office today.
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Get a head start by viewing the informational material provided on this site to help you become more familiar with the legal process and what information you need to provide. Then as an educated client, you can choose our legal experienced and determined attorneys who will fight to resolve the issue in your favor.